Prof. Dr. Ahmet Akgül - LENFÖDEM Hasta Yorumları: The lymphedema treatment and therapy...

beste Lymphödembehandlung


I highly recommend this treatment to all lymphoedema patients


Dear Dr Akgul

In 2013, I was diagnosed with cervical cancer  and I had total hysterectomy.

The following year, I have been diagnosed with lymphoedema as a operation complication. I was told that there was no cure and only beneficial approach would have been socks for varicose veins.

I am so lucky that I was able to discover your website and your practice which provides biofeedback / ondamed treatment.

With the help of this therapy, my lymphoedema , which I was told incureable, disappered and I am delighted with this outcome.

I highly recommend this treatment to all lymphoedema patients.

Kind regards

Mrs Neslihan Kökçü, Llangollen, Wales 


Das erfolgreiches Geschäft


lenfodem Almanya




The best lipodem treatment 1


The best lipodem treatment


He applied different types of treatments to heal lymphedema from my feet and legs 





I would like to express my gratitude to Prof. Dr. Ahmet Akgül and his team for the excellent patient care I received, their kindness and result-oriented healthcare.

I am a 74 years old housewife and have suffered from varicose veins for over 50 years. Although I had treatment done with various different methods, unfortunately the progression of my illness did not decline. Prof. Dr. Akgül treated my daughter's varicose veins surgically, after that, I decided to be a patient of his and told him that I prefer to have non-surgical methods. He applied different types of treatments to heal lymphedema from my feet and legs including thinning my legs between 5-10cm and lightening up. Furthermore, his treatment helped disappear fungus that had grown up to my ankles. Currently, we are in the process of doing various test to find out if there are problems with my heart.

We are grateful that Prof. Dr. Akgül is our family doctor.  

Kind regards,

Nedime Esen 
Ben 74 yaşında ve yaklaşık 50 yıllık varis hastasıyım, zamanında çeşitli yöntemlerle tedaviler uygulansa da ilerleme maalesef durmadı. Prof. Dr Ahmet Akgül bey kızımın varis rahatsızlığını ameliyatla tedavi ettikten sonra ben de kendisinin hastası olmaya karar verdim ve ameliyatsız yöntemleri tercih ettiğimi de belirtince bana farklı tedavi çeşitleri (oksiplazma, oksiprp, kök hücre tedavisi, adiposestemcells) uygulayarak ayaklarımdaki ödemin geçmesine, bacaklarımın 5-10cm arasında incelerek rahatlamasına ve ayak bileklerime kadar çıkmış olan mantarın yok olmasına yardımcı oldu. Şimdi de kalp rahatsızlığım var mı onun tetkikine başladık. Prof. Dr Ahmet bey bizim aile doktorumuz olduğu için çok mutluyuz. Öncelikle Ahmet bey'e sonra tedavilerin uygulanması aşamasında yardımcı olan asistanı Selin ve Tuğba hanımlara ve yardımcısı Suna hanıma çok teşekkür ederim.


Nedime Esen






Dear Dr. Karagüll, Dr. Akgul is one of the leading cardiologists in Turkey as well as as a professor whom much like you has taken great care of my mother in the past couple of weeks. And his centre has prepared a report that can help you discUSA it with the hotel physician in order for her to recive more accurate treatment while we are here. 
Dr. Akgul, Dr. Karagüll is one of the leading experts and researchers in Turkey when it comes to research and he is a truly gifted doctor and professor much like yourself. 
It is my greatest good fortune to have located both of you from an occean away. My only request is for you to meet for a coffee or a phone call the very least and exchange notes and ideas about mum's case. I know I am no one in Turkey but I know more about publishing in US than most other writers and I am more than happy to help you with getting your ideas/ research read outside Turkey, because I know my mum is not the only one with these issues. 
Thank you for the time you have afforded me. 
My best, 





Doctors are heroes of our lives who save us from the misery of pain and illness. Being a doctor is a noble job. My journey to find a doctor who UNDERSTANDS the disease medically known as "Lipedema / Lymphedema" across many countries has been challenging in itself. I am relieved knowing that I found you. I say this in all sincerity as I have sadly discovered that many doctors around the World are unaware of this condition and disease that affects 11% of mostly females on the planet. Your advanced knowledge of this condition with your in depth explanation of the method, techniques and equipment to help patients with this disease is highly commendable.

After my very first consultation with you and your team, I have the hope and strength which is priceless. I feel blessed to have found you from the other side of the World.

Thank you for sincere approach Prof. Dr. Ahmet Akgul.

Looking forward to recovery

Warm Regards,

Nesli G. Yigitoglu




Gecmeyen agri ve sislik 1

 Gecmeyen agri ve sislik 2



Kızımın iki bacak arasındaki çap farkı1'e düştü. Hocam çok ama çok teşekkürler, umut oldunuz.

Adsız tasarım




En iyi uzman kalp doktoru ve kardiyolog

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